Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lincoln Voki

I added a new Voki to my blog tonight that helps illustrate difference between technology for techno-sake as opposed to technology for higher level thought. When I first made the Joyce Voki, my daughter and I were learning about the basics of the tool and having fun for the sake of having fun. When I created the Lincoln one, my goal was to share knowledge and make the viewer think about the impact of a different outcome in history.
While Voki's area fun tool to play with, they can be a great tool to catch the interest of the students and make a lesson more fun and the knowledge long lasting.
When using Web 2.0 tools in education, the possibility is always there to just have fun. I think it is an important part of the process to learning what the tools are capable of. But when the user focuses on the tools as knowledge sources it is incredible what the tools are able to bring to the lesson.

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